Sewing, Homeschooling and Craziness



I have been nominated by the very awesome Lori of Dear Ms Migraine for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Lori!!! You are so awesome!!!


So, Here are the rules:

1.  If you are nominated, you must blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated you.

2. You must answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post!

3. You should comment on your nominees’ blogs to let them know you’ve nominated them.


So, here are the questions:

1. Who is your favorite philosopher?

Hmmm…… The first one and it’s a toughy…. Garfield… He and I see pretty much eye to eye on life. 😉


2. What is your favorite number?

7 – there are 7 members of my family


3.   What is your favorite animal?

Cats, Owls and Cows. LOL


4.    What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?

But I don’t have a Twitter account. I have been thinking of adding one, though.


5. What is your favorite time of the day?

Anytime that I can grab a few minutes to read or sew!


6. What was your favorite vacation?

I don’t think I have ever really been on vacation. Is that sad? I would LIKE to go on vacation, though. I love going to new places and seeing new things.


7. What is your favorite physical activity?

Well, I love to swim and with the FMS that’s about all I can do these days.


8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper especially from Sonic. They have the crunchy ice. 😉


9. What is your favorite flower?

Tulips and daisies. I would love to grow my own but I am death to plants…. Seriously… LOL  My kids will no longer get me flowers for my Birthday or Mother’s Day. LOL


10. What is your passion?

My family, reading and sewing. I would like to get more involved in children’s charities, though.



My ’10′ Blogger Nominees


Judy at Sew Blessed Maw – I ❤ her!!! She is so sweet and kind!

Patti at Patti’s Reading Corner – Patti and I go way back… Well,  a couple of years anyway! She’s one of my Bratty friends!!!

Heather at Stringtown Home – Heather is AWESOME! She rocks!!!

Kristy at Hopeful Threads – Kristy is very special. I am new to her blog but it is such a wonderful place and if anyone spreads sunshine, it’s Kristy!!!

Pillows A La Mode – I am such a blog stalker there… LOL

Kerri at Sewville – OMGosh! What talent!!! You HAVE to check out her blog!!!

Victoria at OsoVictoria – Love Fashion Love Vintage – SOOOO much vintage goodness and such a nice lady!

Dresses and Me – I spend a lot of time here, too…. LOL

Joni at WTF Am I Thinking – Because I think we should all spread some Sunshine her way. SUCH a nice lady! HUGS!!!!!

Cindy at Cindy’s Books and Bits – Cindy is a VERY nice lady!!!! And she has great taste in books. 😉



THANK YOU, again, Lori!!!!!!!!




Comments on: "The SUNSHINE BLOGGER Award!!" (12)

  1. You are welcome Stacy. And YES! You do need to go on a vacation…..just the two of you, even if its for one night. Get away, let your hair down, and remember what it used to be like.

  2. Thank you 🙂 I <2 You!!!

  3. Thankyou Stacy,.. you are TOOOOOO sweet,.. I will link to my blog and answer questions, in a day or two..[ not feeling too well today.yucks.]

    I laughed at your vaccation talk.. When our kids were home, there was no vaccations for us either [unless you call sitting up a tent in the back yard, roasting hotdogs and marshmellows. which the kids].. We never could afford

    We have been on a couple vaccations since the kids got grown..And it is super fun.. We didnt go anywhere this year, with Kenny having the 3 rd back surgery..He just isn’t able. [sad to get old!!!]

    Again thankyou for the award sweet of you.. I think you are a ray of sunshine too.

  4. What a fun post! And congratulations! 🙂 And thank you for the sweet shout out! I so enjoy your creative designs and cute photos. Keep up the wonderful work, Stacy!!! 🙂 Best, Katherine

  5. Thank you Stacy! I truly appreciate your nomination you are the sweetest! Now to get on with following the rules, oh my, this might take me a while ; )

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