Sewing, Homeschooling and Craziness

I Have the CRUD! BLECK!



I have the CRUD. BLECK!! I have been fighting this thing since Saturday! It’s a tough one. Thankfully I am starting to feel a bit better. My throat isn’t as sore anymore but the old nose still doesn’t want to play nice. :/  I haven’t sewn a single thing since last Saturday and I haven’t written a single study unit since… I can’t remember. LOL  I just wanted to let you all know that I still here, just trying to get better.

We have a lot of Birthdays this month! YAY!! Cailey will be 9 on the 23rd, I will be ** on the 25th and Colin will be 6 on the 31st! LOL  On the 5th Deanna just couldn’t take the strain anymore and gave me my Birthday present from her. It was a $50 Visa card! YIPPPEEE!! It came with strict instructions to use it on myself and ONLY myself. 😉 So, I bought books. LOL I got Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible, Fashion Design Course and Shadows (Ashes Trilogy, Bk 2).  I have been reading the first 2 off and on since I got them. I LOVE Tim Gunn! His book is not only informative but hilarious!!! I never realized how much I already knew about fashion history, but I guess since I love history it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise… LOL I have already learned a lot from the Tim Gunn book AND the Fashion Design book. I am SOOOOO glad I got them!!!

I have to mention that I already have my present from Joshua, too. LOL He gave it to me at the beginning of the month. He got me The Calling (Darkness Rising, Bk 2).

I have realized that my kids are just like me, they can’t hold onto a present once they have it. LOL

OH!! Project Run & Play has the theme list up for their All Stars season!!! Looks like it will be a lot of fun! I already have a few ideas running through my head and I plan to sew along again! 🙂


Hopefully I will be kicking this crud to the curb soon and will have some new stuff for you. I might try to work on some unit studies today and see what I can come up with. Wish me luck!!







Comments on: "I Have the CRUD! BLECK!" (16)

  1. Regena Fickes said:

    Here’s to feeling better. My goodness but March is busy for all of you. A collective Happy Birthday and many, many more to Cailey, Colin and you. You share a birhtday with my 3rd granddaughter. Knew there was a special connection (smile).

  2. Poor Stacy! I hate having the crud!! We have a busy b-day month too with D on the 22nd, K on the 31st, and T on the 1st of April. But since Grandma is having her surgery on the 25th they may not get much in the way of celebration!

  3. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Happy Birthday month.

  4. I hope you feel better! Eat lots of honey!!!! 😉

  5. ** = 39 years old!!! 3 9. Thirty plus nine. Thirty Nine. Not 38…like your younger cousin…but 39. ❤

  6. Happy birthday to you all.. [I think I am gathering from above that a certain young lady is
    going to be 39 yrs old. hahahahha] My baby had her birthday the 6th and she turned the big 40.. We have really rubbed it in to her.. [and she didn’t like the 40 age,lol] It is so hard to believe that my baby [oldest child] is 40.. I promise….I married really young, and I am NOT that old.ha
    Hope you feel better soon.

    • LOL! I believe you, Judy!!!!!
      Yeah, I don’t think I will do well with 40, either. I cried when I turned 30. I had just had a baby though and that might have added to the emotion… LOL
      THANK YOU!!!

  7. Oh, bless your heart! At least you have some early birthday presents to enjoy while you are under the weather… 😦 Will be praying for you! It seems like a lot of people are feeling that way – its that time of the year. ((hugs)) to ya, and if I don’t talk to you before then, Happy, Happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🙂

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